

Perth, Western Australia -- December 15, 2000 -- Scott Kevill today announced that Saturday, December 16, will instead be SiNDay. At 5pm PST / 8pm EST, GameRanger will host a chat and launch party with the developers and publishers of SiN to release the demo for the Mac.

MacPlay, the Mac publishers and developers of SiN, and Ritual Entertainment, the original PC developers, will be making a special guest appearance on GameRanger on this Saturday night (December 16) at 5pm PST / 8pm EST to promote the launch of the Mac version of the action first-person shooter, SiN. There will be a moderated Q&A chat, prize giveaways, and the exclusive release of the demo of SiN. There's even a chance to play the guests at their own game!

GameRanger, the Macintosh multiplayer online gaming service, was first introduced for public beta testing in July 1999 with support for 11 game titles, and had already received many rave reviews, including an award of "Best Internet Gaming Achievement" by Macworld Magazine in their 1999 Hall of Fame. GameRanger now has over 37,000 members and support for 52 popular game titles.

GameRanger is available as a free download, at <>.

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