

Perth, Western Australia -- March 29, 2000 -- Scott Kevill today announced the release of GameRanger 2.0, an incredible update to the Macintosh multiplayer online gaming service. Amongst many other features, the most significant is powerful buddy list functionality.

The buddy list allows members to have a convenient list of their friends that allows them at a glance to instantly see whether they are on or offline, playing games, or just chatting. This strengthens the online gaming community by making it easier for gamers to meet up to play.

GameRanger 2.0 also offers much sought after features such as extended server info, message logging, enhanced preferences, new options for privacy with fine control over who can send you private messages, voice messages and join your games, and much more. In addition, members can now buy the games online, direct from the comfort of the GameRanger.

GameRanger was first introduced for public beta testing in July 1999 with support for 11 game titles, and had already received many rave reviews, including an award of "Best Internet Gaming Achievement" by Macworld Magazine in their 1999 Hall of Fame. GameRanger now has over 20,000 members and support for 34 popular game titles.

GameRanger is available as a free download, at <>. GameRanger 2.0 is an auto-update for previous members.

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