

Perth, Western Australia -- February 9, 2001 -- Scott Kevill today announced the addition of a new game title to GameRanger, the Macintosh multiplayer online gaming service. In addition to the 62 previous titles, gamers can now play Total Annihilation Gold.

A real-time strategy game of epic proportions, Total Annihilation brings true 3D to the world of Macintosh strategy. Choose to battle as the Arm or the Core, building kBots, tanks, ships, and aircraft to accomplish your goals. With dozens of unique units for each side, challenging missions and lightning-quick skirmishes, and thrilling multiplayer action over the internet with GameRanger, Total Annihilation will keep you addicted for days upon days.

GameRanger, the Macintosh multiplayer online gaming service, was first introduced for public beta testing in July 1999 with support for 11 game titles, and had already received many rave reviews, including an award of "Best Internet Gaming Achievement" by Macworld Magazine in their 1999 Hall of Fame. GameRanger now has over 40,000 members and support for over 60 popular game titles.

GameRanger is available as a free download, at <>.

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